Objectives for 2009-2010
1. Develop an MWEE-enhanced SOL curriculum for 6th grade, incorporating schoolyard stewardship, field experience w/probeware, and computer-based mapping, impact analysis, and outreach by August 2009. (Completed Aug. 2009)
2. Provide a 3-day training workshop in August 2009 for a team of 20 6th grade teachers from across all 17 PWC schools with 6th graders. (Completed Aug. 2009)
3. Through field studies, schoolyard stewardship, and computer-based learning experiences have 5,400 6th graders per year, starting in 2009, participate in a meaningful watershed experience. (Completed May 2010)
4. Foster a professional learning community among alumni of MWEE teacher training through two half-day follow up sessions in fall and spring semesters. (Completed June 2010)
5. Develop a user-friendly Web interface to enhance students' data entry, access, visualization, and analysis of watershed-wide storm water and water quality data from Occoquan headwaters on Bull Run Mountain to Chesapeake Bay, and for posting student-generated stewardship project results. (ongoing)
6. Consistent with the recent Chesapeake B-WET Evaluation (2007), collect baseline data for monitoring and evaluation for this project's performance and impact upon students, teachers, and Bay tributary ecosystems; also collect and analyze post-delivery evaluations from the first year cohorts of project trainees and student participants. (ongoing)
7. Liaise with other Chesapeake B-WET initiatives as feasible to help ensure lessons learned from this PWC project can be transferred to its peers, and vice versa. (Organized inter-project regional symposium, June 2010)
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