
6th Grade

Page history last edited by Kirsten White 7 years, 5 months ago


This is the location for 6th grade teachers in Prince William County, Virginia, to access watershed educational resources provided by the GMU/Prince William County B-WET program. Below you'll find: 



For questions, please email or contact Kirsten White  , E.A.G.L.E.S. Teacher-Coordinator for PWCS.


Pre- Field Trip Student Survey


Post- Field Trip Student Survey



Current Schedule


               Watershed Schedule 2017 - 2018


  1. Saunders MS (Deborah Folly):  September 25 – 29, October 2, Occoquan
  2. Marsteller MS (Mark Lipscomb):  October 3 – 6Manassas
  3. Bull Run MS (Gina Townsend):  October 10, 11, 13, Manassas 
  4. Porter Traditional (Sukhvir Dhodi):  October 12, Occoquan
  5. Stonewall MS (Laurie Allen):  October 17 20, Manassas
  6. Potomac MS (Ann Jarrell): October 23 – 27, Occoquan 
  7. Lake Ridge MS(Monica Sadler): October 30 – November 3, Manassas
  8. Rippon MS (Alexis Combs):  November 13 – 16, 20, 21, Occoquan
  9. Pennington Traditional (Sara Bosse):  November 17, Manassas
  10. Parkside MS (Christina Mattson):  March 21 – 23, Manassas
  11. Nokesville (Mallory Dove): April 9, Manassas
  12. Benton MS (Laura Edwards):  April 10 13, Manassas 
  13. Fred Lynn MS (Elizabeth Salazar):  April 17 – 20, Occoquan
  14. Gainesville MS (Michael Logan):  April 23 – 27, Manassas
  15. Woodbridge MS (Erika Frazier):  April 30 – May 4, Occoquan




Booklet and Lesson Plans


Our 6th grade teachers booklet can be downloaded in its entirety as an Adobe Acrobat [.pdf] file here: 


From the Mountains to the Estuary: From the Schoolyard to the Bay

by J. Greene, C. Smith, D. Sklarew, R.C. Jones and R. Johnson (2009)


One may also access specific lesson plans and updates via the following list of contents in brief:



Contents in Brief


Download the entire booklet here in .doc or .pdf format. 

Download individual lesson plans in either format below.

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Program Overview

     ·      “What is a Watershed?”

     ·      “Why is the state of the watershed important to people?”

     ·      “How can we improve water quality in the Watershed”

     ·      Correspondence with PWCS Objectives and Virginia SOLs

     ·      Meaningful Watershed Experience



“What is a Watershed?”

  1. What is a Watershed?
  2. Boundaries of Virginia Watersheds  
  3. Play Dough Mountain- Create your own Topographic Map  
  4. Overview of Chesapeake Bay Watershed  
  5. Watershed Address Using Google Maps  
  6. Schoolyard Mapping Activity 
  7. Will It Soak Right In? Runoff Experiment  
  8. Calculating The Amount of Impervious Surface in Your Schoolyard
  9. Stream Table Experiment
  10. Cacapon Institute Web Activities
  11. Watershed Investigation: Where’s My Watershed? & Runoff Race

            Field Investigation Occoquan  



“Why is the state of the watershed important to people?”

  1. Watershed Models and Riparian Buffer Zones
  2. Introduction to Water Quality
  3. Mosquito Larva Demonstration   
  4. Introduction Vernier Probeware
  5. Collecting and Submitting Schoolyard Water Quality Data
  6. Who Contaminated the Water? 
  7. Data in the Classroom
  8. Discovering the Water Quality of Belmont Bay   
  9. Water Quality Testing: “How’s the Water?”  Field Investigation
  10. Macroinvertebrate Study: “Who Lives Here?”  Field Investigation
  11. Wetland Metaphors
  12. Water Quality Interactive game  
  13. Wetlands lesson- Field Investigation Manassas
  14.  Watershed Management: “Where Has All the Water Gone?”

Field Investigation Occoquan   

  1. A River Runs Through It-role playing game   
  2.  A Drop in the Bucket   

“How can we improve Water Quality in the Watershed?”



  1. Don’t Waste Water: Water Conservation Calculations 
  2. Stewardship Project Ideas


  1. Literacy strategies:

·         Word Wall Cards

·         Essential Vocabulary Board Game

·         Crossword Puzzle 

·          Watershed Analogies


2.      Student Data Sheet for Field Watershed Investigations  

3.     Cited and Additional Resources - web sites  

4.     Jeopardy  

5.     Data in the Classroom Teachers Guide






Potomac Environmental Research and Education Center (PEREC),

Department of Environmental Science and Policy, George Mason University (GMU): 


Dann Sklarew, Ph.D., PEREC Associate Director


R. Christian Jones, Ph.D., PEREC Director


Cynthia B. Smith, Ph.D., PEREC Education Director


Robert Johnson, graduate student 


Prince William County Public Schools, Office of Science and Family Life:


Jason Calhoun, M.S., Supervisor


Joy Greene, M.S., Coordinator

E.A.G.L.E.S. Center (Eastern Area Grounds for Learning Environmental Science)



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Chesapeake Bay Office:


Shannon Sprague, Education Program Manager 


            Ann Marie Chapman, Education Coordinator 


Field Experiences


An overview of 6th grade field experiences can be viewed here.


Teaching Aids


Specific teaching aids to support the above curriculum will be available here, including:


The Teachers folder on this site contains other teaching aids, including presentations from the workshop below.



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